Saturday, May 9, 2020

Technology and Education.


Technology and education: an evolving alliance

Talking about education, nowadays, means to be focused on what is attractive and interesting for our students. Teaching becomes a challenge when it comes to exploring the students’ world in this 21st century. That is the reason why applying technological tools is relevant to undertake a learning and teaching process in which learners feel involved and interested in it.

As teachers, we are supposed to keep updated with the newest teaching strategies regarding to technology to make students be motivated in the learning process. One strategy is the use of Social Media. This is a good way to keep modernized with Educational innovation platforms such as blogs, social networks, forum, etc, which allow educators to find what is trending associated to technology inside Education. All we need to do is to search with hashtags like “#Education”, “#Technology” and read the latest news about educational innovations. Moreover, we could subscribe or follow experts and professional educators in the application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) with the aim of improving our teaching skills with the current trends in Education through technology.

As we, teachers know this 21st - century generation is called Digital Natives because of the connection they have with technology. However, it becomes a challenge for us if we are learning how to use digital platforms to teach our students either inside or outside the classrooms. We are called Digital Immigrants.  Like any immigrants, we need to keep updated and explore the amount of tools that internet can provide us. In teaching practices, it is recommendable to use some digital platforms and games depending on the type of skill you want your students to accomplish. You could use Kahoot! for example, to practice vocabulary with learners related to the topic that will be studied in any session. Or perhaps, you could use Edmodo or Google Classroom to ask students to participate in forum related to the class. It is interesting to use platforms like Zoom or Google Meet to create video conferences and practice speaking and listening from homes.    

As a matter of fact, we cannot forget the Critical thinking development in our students. we could do it by giving our learners the opportunities to solve situations. They will have time to reflect and find the correct solution for any problematic situation. We could make debates on a particular topic, dividing the room in two groups. One group will give opinions against the problematic case, and the other one will be in favor of it.  In doing so, students will have the chance of defending what they think. It is important to point out that those debates could be done either in face to face classes or virtual ones.


 Kiara Sierra Jaraba.
 Ervin Antonio Gómez Estrada. 
 Rosnayra Hernandez Gonzalez. 

Licenciados en Educación con Énfasis en Inglés.
Fundación Universitaria Colombo Internacional.
Cartagena de Indias D. T y C.


  1. I think this is a blog that everyone ought to visit to keep updated to the education nowadays. It is quit relevant to learn about how the education system is changing due to the technology and that, we as, teachers must look for other strategies to teach our students so that they can acquire the knowledge in a better way.

    1. I totally agree with you, my dear colleague. we are expected to advance as our students are doing it. It means, we have to find out the new methodology of teaching through Technology.

  2. technology has become for our time an indispensable tool for teaching, which has made us as teachers involved in it and know how to implement it in our work according to each skill.

    1. Of course, my dear! Implementing Technology inside our teaching practice is a great advantage because it allows us to keep our students motivated to learn. I absolutely think if the world is changing throughout the years, our strategies and methodologies to teach students need to be modified as well.

  3. This document is very important because technology can help students understand and retain concepts better.In other words, technology is a flexible tool that teachers use to get a good relationship with their learners and improve his or her learning process.

    1. Thanks for your comment, my dear colleague. We have to know our students' world nowadays. Teachers need to explore everything when it comes to catching the students' attention.

  4. I think this article is very well adressed on what has to do with technology and its different tools, as technology has become a fundamental factor in the development of new learning teachings.


Technology and Education.

TECHNOLOGY APPLIED IN CURRENT EDUCATION Talking about education, nowadays, means to be focused on what is attractive and inte...